Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


We welcome your questions, and look forward to working with you.  In an effort to explain our services, and provide additional information to you quickly, we’ve provided the following answers to Frequently Asked Questions:

What is Assisted Living?

Assisted Living is a care option designed to promote independence and support for individuals who may need some monitoring or assistance in their daily tasks.  Example of the support we provide includes medication monitoring, meals, housekeeping and laundry.  While no two clients are alike, our trained counselors will assist in determining whether you would benefit from an assisted living environment, and if so, what support is likely to help you thrive!

Can visitors stay overnight?

Each resident’s room is his/her/their home.  Visitors are welcome, although for safety reasons, overnight stays must be approved by the staff.

Is there an emergency response system in each room?

We do not provide emergency call buttons or levers in the rooms.  However, each resident is welcome to install their own, or use a service such as LifeLine, which provides a pager that a person may wear.  A staff member is on premises 24 hours per day.

Are social and cultural activities organized?

Although each resident chooses their own schedule their own daily events, we provide a rich environment to encourage engagement and activity in the community.  Free transportation to cultural events, and daily transport to the adult activity center are provided.  General entertainment (TV and movies) as well as  games and social activities are provided at each facility. Exercise activities include swimming and walking at the local malls.